Monday, May 24, 2010

I Can't Believe It's Not Horror

Today's movie isn't really a horror film by any means, but there is enough violence and blood for me to constitute a write-up for this movie. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most ridiculous movies that I will have ever seen, which is a good thing. Yes, that movie is Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky.

People who have seen The Daily Show before Jon Stewart became host of the program will remember a scene that is shown on the program. You know the one, the head crushing scene where some poor sap gets his head crushed by what can be the strongest clap ever. Back to the matter at hand, the story is about Ricky, a man with some serious powers that gets thrown into a prison run by corporate folks. Naturally, the place is corrupt and the only means of survival is to kill or be killed. Sounds simple, really, as the rest of the movie practically writes itself. Blood, violence, and martial arts action: that's about all you really need to know about the movie, as the plot only really is there to have a movie in place.

Mindless violence combined with some incredibly ridiculous characters (The Big Four, which includes one guy that pulls out his guts and still fights, and the Warden himself, who turns into some weird creature) and even more ridiculous ways to kill people. If you can push logic off of a cliff for this movie, then this is a perfect movie for the violence starved.

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