Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different...A Comedy

Ever since I began this blog that you read (or don't read) on a weekly basis, much of the talk has been about hockey, horror movies, and just the love for metal music.  Today, I will take a small detour into some comedy, and today's movie is actually familiar territory for me, since Monty Python is considered a staple in anyone's laugh repertoire.

Life of Brian was one of the movies that the Monty Python troupe made and offers their take on the times in which the Romans and Jews were in a struggle for control.  If you know your religion studies at all (Christian or not), then you'll get what is going on.  The movie follows a guy named Brian, who spends his entire life being mistaken for the Messiah, as evidenced early on by the Three Wise Men visiting his place as a baby.  His place just happens to be next door to the real Messiah, which explains the Wise Men taking back the gifts.  Those who take their religion seriously need not apply here, since the movie skewers the idea quite a bit.

While Life of Brian isn't on the level of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the movie more than holds its own when it comes to laughs.  And no Monty Python movie would be complete without quotables and a memorable song:

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