Cannibal Apocalypse centers around the premise of cannibalism being a disease. It begins in Vietnam, where one of the three soldiers gets the "disease" and bites the squadron leader. Fast forward to present day Atlanta and the leader is at home with his wife when he gets a call from the guy who bit him. He turns down the invitation for a drink, and the guy on the loose from the institution sneaks in a late night "snack" at the movie theater. He gets chased into a store and barricades himself inside with a shotgun. Soon, the trio is reunited and goes on an eating rampage with a doctor's assistant.
I have to say that I was disappointed with the movie, as there wasn't enough cannibalism in the movie. In fact, Cannibal Apocalypse plays more like a bizzaro world Dawn of the Dead, where the eaters are the hunted and the majority are a bunch of idiots. The actual premise and plot are pretty good, but as someone who likes excessive violence, I was disappointed by it.
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